Bardmageddon / Bocca Musica / Cheeks and Phoenix / Craig Merlin Broers / Cu Dubh / Dregs / Iron Hill Vagabonds / Lost Boys / Merry Wives of Windsor / Minstrel Ravn The / Music the Gathering / Reelin' Rogues The / Rowan and the Rose / Shakespeare Approves / The Craic Show / The Naughty Bawdy Brigade / Vince Conaway / Whiskey Bay Rovers / Wolgemut
- Rosin the Beau performed by Whiskey_Bay_Rovers from Broadsides and Ballads
- Innocence Lost performed by Cheeks_and_Phoenix from Heckfire & Charcoal
- Solfeggio Ale performed by Bocca_Musica from Bocca Musica Live! Finally Legal (Double CD Pack)
- We've Got Whiskey In The Jar performed by Minstrel_Ravn_The from The Minstrel and the Harp
- Four Able Physicians, performed by Bardmageddon from Bawdy Ballads
- (Fiddlin' on a) Cool Spring Eve performed by Iron_Hill_Vagabonds from Whiskey & Promises: A Collection of Irish Favourites
- I Want a Lass performed by Lost_Boys from Paul's Walk
- On The Hunt(2018) performed by Vince_Conaway from Liminal Spaces
- Sharknado performed by Dregs from Dregnado
- Old Dun Cow performed by Reelin'_Rogues_The from Live at Claddagh
- Saucy Sailor performed by Music_the_Gathering from LVL 1
- Everybody Knows performed by Rowan_and_the_Rose from We Have Adventures
- Mairead's Mortal Wound performed by Cu_Dubh from The Warlord
- I Come to Sing performed by Craig_Merlin_Broers from A Lucky Man and his Lute
- Funkengroovenfesttanz (CSM 100 / Skudrinka) performed by Wolgemut from Funkengroovenfest
- Seven Seas performed by The_Craic_Show from The Double Album,
- All About the Moor (Othello) - featuring Lady Prudence performed by Shakespeare_Approves from Are You There God? It's Me, Shakespeare
- O'neill's March performed by Pictus from Fire
- 20 Broadsides and Ballads from WhiskeyBayRovers
- 19 Heckfire & Charcoal from CheeksandPhoenix
- 18 Bocca Musica Live! Finally Legal (Double CD Pack) from BoccaMusica
- 17 The Minstrel and the Harp from MinstrelRavnThe
- 16 Bawdy Ballads from Bardmageddon
- 15 Whiskey & Promises: A Collection of Irish Favourites from IronHillVagabonds
- 14 Paul's Walk from LostBoys
- 13 Liminal Spaces from VinceConaway
- 12 Dregnado from Dregs
- 11 Live at Claddagh from Reelin'RoguesThe
- 10 The Dirty Songbook from TheNaughtyBawdyBrigade
- 9 LVL 1 from MusictheGathering
- 8 We Have Adventures from RowanandtheRose
- 7 The Warlord from CuDubh
- 6 A Lucky Man and his Lute from CraigMerlinBroers
- 5 Come One Come All from MerryWivesofWindsor
- 4 Funkengroovenfest from Wolgemut
- 3 The Double Album, from TheCraicShow
- 2 Are You There God? It's Me, Shakespeare from ShakespeareApproves
- 1 Fire from Pictus
- The Renaissance Festival Bawdy Show
- The Q.U.A.S.O.R. Podcast
- Pirate Directory for a listing of all things piratical.
- The Ren List for a listing of all Renaissance Festivals
- Blooper Songs Nathan Deese (Blooper Songs)
- The Moat Scoundrels Inn
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- Call or text the castle at 478- castles (227-8537)