- The Parting Glass performed by Craig of Farrington from 20 Years of Sweet Delights
- The Mermaid Song performed by Rumrunners from Got Rum!
- The Moat
- Rosin the Beau performed by Whiskey Bay Rovers from Broadsides and Ballads
- Ghost of Pierre LeBlanc performed by Whiskey Bay Rovers from Broadsides and Ballads
- Scarborough Faire performed by Sirena - the Seelie Players from Sirena
- Fiddler's Green performed by Rambling Sailors from Shining Clear
- The Archives
- The Captain's Log (Live) performed by Dogs in Doublets from Unreleased Recording
- Sans Intellectus performed by Dogs in Doublets from Demo
- Risin of the Moon performed by Terry Griffith from Songs from the Pub
- Cantiga performed by Vince Conaway from Reprise
- Wild Mountain Thyme performed by Abby Green from Fig for a Kiss
- She Movies Through the Faire performed by Celtic Mayhem from Celtic Mayhem
- Whiskey in the Jar performed by Crossed Cannons from Skull And Crossed Cannons
- Wild Rover performed by The Dregs from Uncorked LINKS
- The Renaissance Festival Bawdy Show
- The Q.U.A.S.O.R. Podcast
- Pirate Directory for a listing of all things piratical.
- The Ren List for a listing of all Renaissance Festivals
- Blooper Songs Nathan Deese (Blooper Songs)
- The Moat Scoundrels Inn
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- Call or text the castle at 478- castles that is (478) 227-8537